About Me

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Kathmandu, Nepal
At 24, she claims herself to be just an ordinary someone who is trying to find her place in this world, in search for her true calling. And along the way, as her life happens with people and situations coming and leaving, she pens down some of her thoughts & emotions here...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Celebrating Womanhood!

And as i had expected you to expect, here i am with my ecstatic thoughts on Women's Day. :)
But before that, i would like to share something i'd posted on my Facebook notes exactly a year back.

by Pretty Limbu on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 12:50am 

Do bear with me, my girls… for i don’t know what i’m about to write… and i don’t even have a rough sketch in my mind… all i know is that i want to write cause i’m happy as it’s women’s day... yippee !! :) i’d been waiting excitedly all week for this day, March 8th... but it’s not like what you’re thinking… i mean i’ve got no special plans for today… i’m just happy… hehe… though it’s super-duper unfair that we get only 1 and ‘they’ get 364,, but then who cares ?? neither do they celebrate nor appreciate even a single day… we at least do ;) 

I just counted… it's 19… the number of “March 8th” that has gone by since i was born... and sadly, i never did anything on those days... which i'm sure you also didn't :p… well, no worries... it's fine, let's just excuse ourselves... cause we were girls back then and now, a woman (waaaahh) :D ... but as said that it's never too late, i'm glad it struck my mind this time... i realized we shouldn't just let this special day pass by simply wishing each other; Happy Women's Day !!

So, why don't we do something different this year and every year from now on… anything but at least something... and please, get that boring ideas about organizing rally’s and campaigns’ off your mind... i wasn't thinking about that... but frankly speaking, i also don't know what to do today... hahaha... wait let me think for a while... uhhhmmmmm...

After ?? minutes and several gulps of h2O, i'v managed to plant a few ideas in my mind... thank god !! 

Well, let’s meet up with our girlfriends/sisters/mother/daughters/aunties/granny... (anyone but a female... it's mandatory) and do some wild stuffs together... like, wink at a random guy on the street, go to clothing stores and try as many but come out buying nothing, ordering our hatest food in the restaurant, sneak into a public gents washroom and scare them, dance for a few seconds in the middle of a busy road, go for a new look (mushroom cut; blue dyed hair maybe :P)… blah blah blah…

But naaah, it’s not like we 'HAVE' to be crazy crazy... we can also get together and do normal stuffs like gossiping and backbiting (about only men today please), dressing up - making up - clicking photos, cooking and gobbling up (momo :p), prank calls and irritate the person on the other line… well, just all those things that we girls normally do together on any other given day… ;)

And off course, there may be some of you who falls in my boat… i mean no money, no time and no permission… :( but so what ?? we can at least do this… (others who’ve already had the fun mentioned up there can also do… lol) we can take a “me” moment and think… appreciate the blessed fact that we were born a girl... that we have the heart to love, care and sacrifice… that we have the strength to carry a baby inside us and give it a life… that we have the power to transform a house into a home… that we have the chance to prove ourselves as a strong woman after all those cruel discrimination and under-estimation… and also appreciate the fact that we can “effortlessly” look beautiful everyday… :)

Let’s show some respect and gratitude to this wonderfully gifted “Women’s Day” !!

Let’s make memories that will make us smile in the future !!
Let’s be happy and proud… that we are WOMEN !! 


It is hard to believe that a year has already gone by. I still remember sitting on my desk at work, pretending to do what was assigned but instead writing this down. Hehe. Well, this year, my emotions are pretty much the same, but only that on a much matured note. Yes, i claim to have mellowed.

I have decided to dedicate this day 08/03/2012, to each and every 'Mother' out there. To all those strong women who have gone through all the unanticipated and the unbearable just to give life to a soul. One word for you ladies, Respect !

I know, and off course you also know that i am not a mother myself. So why this? Being completely honest, Motherhood is something which has never failed to enchant me every single time i start to ponder about it. At first, while growing up, it was the babies. But now it's more about the mothers who have ruled a part of my heart. It all started 4 years back, with my own elder sister giving birth to the first child in our family. Cause only from then, was i able to actually see what being a mother looked like. I will assuredly tell you that a mother looks like, smells like, and feels like Love. Selfless Love. Pure Love.

Don't ask me how much love i have for my two adorable nieces. For i might not be able to answer that in words. The thing that amazes me is that, on certain days when i feel i cannot survive, they are the only ones who gracefully enter my thoughts and gently give me Hope. They whisper to me that Life is Beautiful. And then it hits me real hard. If me, being just an aunt loves them to this extent, then how just much love does their own mother actually feel for them? 

Love :')
My sister and her daughters.

There is a very strong reason as to why i wanted to honor this Women's Day to them Mothers. Let me ask you something. You have many a times come across a person praising another person for their hard work in either their studies or work, haven't you? But think, have you ever seen or heard anyone appreciating a woman for being a mother? I fear not. Cause no one quite sees their hard work, their commitment and their devotion. The practical way i see it, being a mother means having a full time job. Having to work all day and all night for 24 straight hours. But off course without a salary. For heaven's sake, they take full responsibility of another human being, and in many cases, more than just one. The child is nothing without the mother and similarly the mother is everything to her child. Either way, the mother deserves the bow.

But yet the mother keeps mum. She gets tired, she falls down and on given days, she even feels like she can't take it anymore. But then she gets up again. She rises for her child. Cause she truly knows that her child needs her more than anyone else in this world. And that is why i call a mother's love, Selfless love. To put someone else's comfort before her own. Oh that is Love !

And on this special day, I salute all the women in this world. Women who are already mothers, women who are expectant mothers, women who have yet to become mothers and also to those women who (biologically) cannot be mothers.
Cause i believe that being born a female, we were blessed. We are gifted with the ability to grant a life and gifted with the power to love altruistically. I couldn't have been more proud.

As i come the the last part of this note, i would like to remember the woman i respect the most. The woman who gave me my heartbeat, the woman who made me a woman. My Mother ! Love you mom. :)

Happy Women's Day 2012 !

Till my next post, Eat-Pray-Love !



  1. Cheers to womanhood n hurray to this wonderful article of urs..m kinda disturbed tonight, n these womanhood strenghts definitely has cheered me up... Way to go gurl!!!!

    1. thank to my dear lauri :)
      and yeah, cheers to womanhood !
      much love

  2. We r proud to b a woman as we can b a mother. (^_^)

  3. You have a Masterpiece; this is a spirit of Woman! I salute you, Bravo!

    1. awww thanks bhavna.. really appreciate it alot :)

  4. Happy Womens Day ... and plz dont sneak in toilet !! lolz aru j garda ni hunxa !! :P yes u can sneak those who do their work around trees n poles like dogs do :P

    1. haha that was last yr's idea.. no such plans this year.. lol... ;)
