About Me

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Kathmandu, Nepal
At 24, she claims herself to be just an ordinary someone who is trying to find her place in this world, in search for her true calling. And along the way, as her life happens with people and situations coming and leaving, she pens down some of her thoughts & emotions here...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Look Beyond !

I know it may sound a bit unusual for a 'Love Freak' like me to say this, but yes people, Life is not only about falling in love and finding the right person and working on the relationship. Do not revolve around 'only' that. Look beyond. There are so many more things we need to focus on. There are so many people who needs our help. There is so much to learn. So much to do. Reach out for your dreams. Search for your true calling. Do what your heart desires. Do not let your love stop you from anything. Instead, let love inspire you. To become a better person. Let love make you love yourself. Let love make you love your life. :)

Till my next post, Eat-Pray-Love !


  1. And what if you dont find THE love in the first place ?

  2. Couldn't agree more with this post! Love is not everything. it is, but there's always a time for everything. Withering away JUST because someone broke your heart is no reason to stay locked up inside your room and torture yourself .. right? I've seen some people who have completely stopped believing in themselves JUST cause' their certain someone didn't love them back. That's ridiculous.. I mean, only few people TRULY know their own importance.. That's just saaaad! :/

  3. yes ur right dear. but frankly and soo not in embarrassment, i will say that i was also one of them who stayed locked up after being heartbroken... but m glad i pulled myself back together and learnt lessons.. but maybe thats why i can now believe and write such :)
